
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are measures of student growth that are being used by many states as an alternative/supplement to standardized tests. SLOs are typically set by individual teachers, usually in consultation with their principals, and may be based on any of a wide range of student assessments, including state assessments, commercially available assessments, and teacher-developed (non-standardized) assessments. They are based on teachersÕ and principalsÕ knowledge of individual students and assumptions about studentsÕ expected growth during a school year. SLOs have become popular in Maryland as part of its newly-mandated teacher evaluation metrics.


While the Effect on Student Mathematics Learning Key Assessment provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their ability to improve student learning over the course of a single unit, the SLO project is intended to allow interns to experience the process of gauging student growth over a longer time span (approximately two months). As such, the construct of interest should typically be broader than a particular concept or skill (e.g., solving equations). The SLO project is also intended to allow interns to experience the SLO process prior to becoming full time teachers.

Connections to NCTM (2012) Teacher Preparation Standards

3b) Analyze and consider research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences.

3f) Plan, select, implement, interpret, and use formative and summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students.

3g) Monitor studentsÕ progress, make instructional decisions, and measure studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments.

4d) Demonstrate equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students.

5a) Verify that secondary students demonstrate conceptual understanding; procedural fluency; the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems; logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning; productive disposition toward mathematics; and the application of mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains.

5c) Collect, organize, analyze, and reflect on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determine the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction.

6a) Take an active role in their professional growth by participating in professional development experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics.

6b) Engage in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice; enhance learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development; involve colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders; and advance their development as a reflective practitioner.

7a) Engage in a sequence of planned field experiences and clinical practice prior to a full-time student teaching/internship experience that include observing and participating in both middle and high school mathematics classrooms and working with a diverse range of students individually, in small groups, and in large class settings under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified mathematics teachers in varied settings that reflect cultural, ethnic, linguistic, gender, and learning differences.

7c) Develop knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors across both middle and high school settings; examine the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics; and observe and analyze a range of approaches to mathematics teaching and learning, focusing on tasks, discourse, environment, and assessment.


1.     The SLO description must follow the Anatomy of a Student Learning Objective worksheet.

a.     All statements should be tailored to the target class(es) and subject(s), as determined by the intern and mentor teacher.

b.     Math SLOs must be written to target the first Common Core Standard of Mathematical Practice: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Older students might, depending on the context of the problem, transform algebraic expressions or change the viewing window on their graphing calculator to get the information they need. Mathematically proficient students can explain correspondences between equations, verbal descriptions, tables, and graphs or draw diagrams of important features and relationships, graph data, and search for regularity or trends. Younger students might rely on using concrete objects or pictures to help conceptualize and solve a problem. Mathematically proficient students check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, ÒDoes this make sense?Ó They can understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches.

2.     Baseline data collection must be collected by Seminar 2 (Friday, October 24, 2014). Mentor and intern should agree on the frequencies tallied for each day observed to ensure accuracy and reliability. A minimum grade of ÒProficientÓ is required for baseline data collection for advancement into Phase II.

3.     The intern must develop an intervention plan in consultation with the mentor teacher. The essential question to address here is, ÒWhat teaching strategies will be used to increase student engagement during the intervention period?Ó The intervention plan, along with the SLO description, must be completed and turned in to the secondary mathematics program coordinator by Seminar 3 (Friday, November 14, 2014). A minimum grade of ÒProficientÓ is required for intervention plan and SLO description for advancement into Phase II.

4.     Enactment of the intervention plan will take place during Phase II (at least 6 weeks in length). Mentor and intern should agree on the frequencies tallied for each day observed to ensure accuracy and reliability.

5.     Interns must present their SLO to the designated administrator at their field placement.

6.     Interns must present their SLO at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD).


1.     Collect baseline data.

2.     Develop intervention plan (e.g., instructional strategies, timeline) with mentor.

3.     Write SLO description.

4.     Write abstract for URCAD.

5.     Enact SLO plan and collect data.

6.     Analyze data. During one or more of the three content-specific seminar sessions during Phase II, the interns will begin discussing findings.

7.     Create a poster presentation for URCAD.

8.     The secondary program requests that interns attend the End-of Phase II intern celebration and that the interns bring their URCAD posters to set up as an exhibit.



Limited (1)

Developing (2)

Proficient (3)

Exemplary (4)

Priority of Standard

The selected content does not align with Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards.


Only a standard is listed.  No rationale provided that specifies the connection with Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards. 

The selected content does align with Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards.


Rationale is provided along with the stated standard, however the connection to Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards is implied, not EXPLICITLY linked.



The scope of content is NOT appropriate for the length of the instruction interval.

Same as 2 plus:


Rationale is provided along with the stated standard that EXPLICITLY indicates why/how the content is critical for attainment of College and Career Readiness.




The scope of content is appropriate for the length of the instruction interval.

Same as 3 plus:



The content reflects a high priority for district and school improvement.

Rigor of Target:

Baseline Data

There is insufficient information from studentsÕ past performance or baseline data is used to justify the objective and provide reasonable comparison data.

The target is anchored in baseline data, including historical data (i.e. district, school, and student level data) multiple measures may be provided. 


Same as 2 plus: 


Multiple measures are provided.

Same as 3 plus:


The target appropriately addresses subgroup achievement gaps and if appropriate, the SLO differentiates targets for individuals or groups of students based on baseline data so that all targets are rigorous yet attainable.

Rigor of Target:

Baseline Data Rationale


No rationale provided.


Rationale is provided along with the stated

Baseline measures, however, the connection is implied, not EXPLICITLY linked.

The rationale explains how the rigor and attainability of the numerical target was determined.  For example, the target is based on the past performance of students or the expectation of a yearÕs growth or the mastery of a standard or incremental improvement.

Same as 3 plus:


The rationale includes why specific subpopulations are also targeted. 

Rigor of Target: Target

No clear description of target(s) is provided. 

Targets are provided, however, sufficient detail is missing to determine the criteria for how the target will be attained.

There is a clear description of where students are expected to be at the end of the interval of instruction. 


The target(s) are measurable, rigorous, and attainable for the intervention period.

Targets are tiered to be both rigorous and attainable for students at various levels.

Rigor of Target: Target Rationale


No rationale provided


Rationale is provided along with the stated

target measures, however, the connection is implied, not EXPLICITLY linked.

The rationale explains how the rigor and attainability of the numerical target was determined.  For example, the target is based on the past performance of students or the expectation of a yearÕs growth or the mastery of a standard or incremental improvement.

Same as 3 plus:


The rationale includes why specific subpopulations are also targeted. 

Quality of Measure & Evidence


Some  of the source(s) of evidence implies that the target has been met, however 


the measures may not be appropriately aligned with the standards and/or target



the measures may not be appropriate for the student populations.

The source(s) of evidence implies that

the target has been met, however some of the measures may not be appropriately aligned with the standards and/or target




Some of the measures may not be appropriate for the student populations.


The source(s) of evidence provides the data needed to determine if the target has been met.


The measure(s) are aligned to the standards and provides evidence relative to the target.


The measure is appropriate for the student population.


The measure meets the criteria established by the state or district.

Same as 3 plus:


The evidence provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge/understanding.

Action Plan

No description or timeline of when

Provides general description of learning activities/strategies that will be employed for supporting students in reaching the specified targeted learning goals.

Clear and concise description of the learning activities (lessons) that will be employed to support the student learning of the desired SLO. 


Activities follow a logical trajectory.


Includes assessment points indicating both formative and summative assessments.

Same as 3 plus:


Learning activities include specific and varied use of Òbest instructionalÓ practices. 

Action Plan: Rationale

No rationale is provided

Rationale for why the specific learning activities were selected is vague. 

Rationale for why specific learning activities and instructional practices are being utilized is clear and concise. 


Connections to appropriate teaching journals as a means for supporting the selection of various learning activities or practices. 

Same as 3 plus


Connections to appropriate teaching journals to support rationale are provided for both learning activities and instructional practices

Target Results—


No attainment of target.

Insufficient attainment of target.

Partial attainment of target.

Full attainment of target:

Target Results


No discussion of results.

Vague description of results.  Strengths and weaknesses of action plan are described but no explicit connections between learning activities and/or instructional strategies and the level of success of target attainment are included.

Detailed description of results. Strengths and weaknesses of action plan are described with explicit connections between learning activities and/or instructional strategies and the level of success of target attainment are included.

Same as 3 plus.


Description of specific areas of professional development that the teacher may want to participate based upon the targeted results.  

NCTM 3b) Analyze and consider research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences.

The analysis and consideration of research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences is minimally or not evident.

The analysis and consideration of research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The analysis and consideration of research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences is explicit.

The analysis and consideration of research in planning for and leading students in rich mathematical learning experiences is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 3f.1) Plan, select, implement, interpret, and use formative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of formative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is minimally or not evident.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of formative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of formative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is explicit.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of formative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 3f.2) Plan, select, implement, interpret, and use summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is minimally or not evident.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is explicit.

The planning, selecting, implementing, interpreting, and using of summative assessments to inform instruction by reflecting on mathematical proficiencies essential for all students is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 3g) Monitor studentsÕ progress, make instructional decisions, and measure studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments.

The monitoring of studentsÕ progress, making instructional decisions, and measuring studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments is minimally or not evident.

The monitoring of studentsÕ progress, making instructional decisions, and measuring studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The monitoring of studentsÕ progress, making instructional decisions, and measuring studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments is explicit.

The monitoring of studentsÕ progress, making instructional decisions, and measuring studentsÕ mathematical understanding and ability using formative and summative assessments is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 4d) Demonstrate equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students.

The equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students is minimally or not evident.

The equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students is explicit.

The equitable and ethical treatment of and high expectations for all students is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 5a.1) The teacher verifies that secondary students demonstrate conceptual understanding and procedural fluency.

Verification of both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency is minimally or not evident.

Verification of both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Verification of both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency is explicit.

Verification of both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 5a.2) The teacher verifies that secondary students demonstrate the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems.

Verification of the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems is minimally or not evident.

Verification of the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Verification of the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems is explicit.

Verification of have the ability to formulate, represent, and solve problems is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 5a.3) The teacher verifies that secondary students demonstrate logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning.

Verification of logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning is minimally or not evident.

Verification of logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Verification of logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning is explicit.

Verification of logical reasoning and continuous reflection on that reasoning is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 5a.4) The teacher verifies that secondary students apply mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains.

Verification that secondary students apply mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains is minimally or not evident.

Verification that secondary students apply mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Verification that secondary students apply mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains is explicit.

Verification that secondary students apply mathematics in a variety of contexts within major mathematical domains is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 5c) Collect, organize, analyze, and reflect on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determine the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction.

Plan for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reflecting on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determining the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction is minimally or not evident.

Plan for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reflecting on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determining the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Plan for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reflecting on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determining the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction is explicit.

Plan for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reflecting on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment evidence and determining the extent to which studentsÕ mathematical proficiencies have increased as a result of their instruction is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 6a) Take an active role in their professional growth by participating in professional development experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics.

Professional growth through active engagement in experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics is minimally or not evident.

Professional growth through active engagement in experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Professional growth through active engagement in experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics is explicit.

Professional growth through active engagement in experiences that directly relate to the learning and teaching of mathematics is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 6b.1) Engage in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice.

Engagement in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice is minimally or not evident.

Engagement in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Engagement in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice is explicit.

Engagement in continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 6b.2) Enhance learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development

The enhancement of learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development is minimally or not evident.

The enhancement of learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The enhancement of learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development is explicit.

The enhancement of learning opportunities for all studentsÕ mathematical knowledge development is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 6b.3) Involve colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders.

The involvement of colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders is minimally or not evident.

The involvement of colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The involvement of colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders is explicit.

The involvement of colleagues, other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 6b.4) Advance development as a reflective practitioner.

The advancement of development as a reflective practitioner is minimally or not evident.

The advancement of development as a reflective practitioner is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The advancement of development as a reflective practitioner is explicit.

The advancement of development as a reflective practitioner is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 7c.1) Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors at both middle and high school settings.

The demonstration of knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors is minimally or not evident or is minimally evident.

The demonstration of knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The demonstration of knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors is explicit.

The demonstration of knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 7c.2) Examine the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics.

Examination of the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics is minimally or not evident or is minimally evident.

Examination of the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

Examination of the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics is explicit.

Examination of the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and how students learn mathematics is clear and concise with supporting evidence.

NCTM 7c.4) Participate in innovative or transformative initiatives, partnerships, or research projects related to the teaching of secondary

The innovation/transformative nature of the SLO research project for enhancing the teaching of secondary mathematics is minimally or not evident.

The innovation/transformative nature of the SLO research project for enhancing the teaching of secondary mathematics is vague, implicit, or imprecise.

The innovation/transformative nature of the SLO research project for enhancing the teaching of secondary mathematics is explicit.

The innovation/transformative nature of the SLO research project for enhancing the teaching of secondary mathematics is clear and concise with supporting evidence.


Connections to other assessments

1.     Contextual Analysis

2.     Clinical Practice Performance Assessment

3.     Effect on Student Learning


Secondary Mathematics Program Coordinator

Additional Resources

1.     Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice: http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice/

2.     National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focus on Reasoning and Sense Making series: http://www.nctm.org/standards/content.aspx?id=23749

3.     NCTM Process Standards (Part of the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, freely accessible online with NCTM membership).

Problem Solving

Instructional programs from PreK-12 should enable all students to—

á       Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

á       Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts

á       Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems

á       Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving

Reasoning and Proof

Instructional programs from PreK-12 should enable all students to—

á       Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics

á       Make and investigate mathematical conjectures

á       Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs

á       Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof


Instructional programs from PreK-12 should enable all students to—

á       Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication

á       Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others

á       Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others;

á       Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.  


Instructional programs from PreK-12 should enable all students to—

á       Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas

á       Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole

á       Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics


Instructional programs from PreK-12 should enable all students to—

á       Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

á       Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems

á       Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena 



Mathematics SLOPE Data Collection Form

Date:___________________________                              Class:__________________________

Directions: Tally the number of times students engage in specific mathematical practices in separate topics. Tally a behavior observed multiple times during one topic as one. Tally the same behavior during the same topic by more than one student as one.

Student Behaviors




a.     Students start to solve a problem by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution.



b.    Students analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals.



c.     Students make conjectures about the form and meaning of a solution



d.    Students plan a solution pathway rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt.



e.     Students consider analogous problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution.



f.      Students monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary.



g.     Students transform algebraic expressions when needed to get the information needed.



h.    Students change the viewing window on their graphing calculator to get the information needed.



i.      Students explain correspondences between equations, verbal descriptions, tables, and graphs



j.      Students draw diagrams of important features and relationships, graph data, and search for regularity or trends.



k.    Students use concrete objects or pictures to help conceptualize and solve a problem.



l.      Students check their answers to problems using a different method.



m.   Students continually ask themselves, ÒDoes this make sense?Ó



n.    Students identify correspondences between different approaches to solving complex problems.



Implicit = Indicated, suggested, or performed without being explicitly stated.

Explicit = Discussed, described, or performed AND stated clearly and specifically.

Intern Initials_________                                                                    Mentor Initials________

Directions: Tally the number of times the teacher engages in behaviors that support student engagement in Mathematical Practice 1 Problem Solving. Tally a behavior observed multiple times during one topic as one.

Teacher Behaviors




1.    Create an environment for exploring and explaining patterns.



2.    Encourage the use of different approaches to determine a solution.



3.    Encourage the use of different approaches to check a solution.



4.    Support the use of a second strategy (and a third?) to solve problems, if the first strategy does not work. 



5.    Think aloud when solving a problem.



6.    Offer authentic performance tasks.



7.    Use open-ended questioning that makes connections with previously worked problems that appeared difficult.



8.    Encourage the identification of mathematical patterns which lead to the most effective solution path.



9.    Encourage varied representations and approaches when solving word problems, such as writing equations to represent a given scenario.



10. Require thinking about the sensibleness of results at each step in the solution process.



11. Ask questions that require conceptual understanding of and fluency with mathematical composition and configurations.



12. Create a safe and collaborative environment.



13. Model respectful discourse behaviors.



14. Promote student-to-student discourse. (Do not mediate the discussion).



15. Encourage students to justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others.



16. Demonstrate the application of prior knowledge and strategies to solve problems.



17. Facilitate discussion in evaluating the appropriateness of one model versus another model.



18. Show how to relate the use of diagrams, tables, graphs, and formulas with important quantities.



19. Discuss with students their choice of variables and procedures.



Implicit = Indicated, suggested, or performed without being explicitly stated.

Explicit = Discussed, described, or performed AND stated clearly and specifically.


Student Learning Objective Template



Content Area


Grade Level




Interval of Instruction



Objective Statement




Aligned Standards


Baseline Data/Information




Rationale for Target(s)


Evidence Source(s)