
This course is designed to introduce students to strategies for differentiating instruction within general education classrooms. The course examines the legal, philosophical and programmatic underpinning of inclusion, broadly defined. Addressed in the course are approaches for adapting the curriculum, especially in the content areas, to meet the needs of socio-culturally, linguistically, cognitively (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia) and behaviorally diverse student populations, including students identified traditionally as having special needs (e.g., gifted and talented, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, physically challenged). The course of study includes:

a) legal aspects for schools and teachers

b) characteristics and teaching strategies of special needs populations

c) social-psychological-cultural perspectives

d) learning strategies/classroom management for including diverse populations

e) differentiating instruction to meet the various learning needs of students.

The course includes small/large groups, case studies/scenarios, lecture, video presentations, reflections, and group presentations on line and discussion boards on line. The class will focus on student-centered learning.


This course is typically offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Some course activities are conducted in the course Blackboard ® site.

Key Assessment

Lesson Plan. After researching and investigating the educational term, “differentiated instruction”, the student will develop a lesson plan and differentiate the instruction for the various learners — for at least 3 different groups of students by readiness, interest, or learning profile demonstrated by content, process or product; The lesson plan is to be developed for a particular content/subject area (i.e.., Math – a lesson on place value). The lesson plan must include and explain the use of high level technology as well as how you will make accommodations/modifications for a particular student(s) with special needs in one of your groups as well as a student who is gifted and talented in one of your groups.