
This course develops a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of science. Develops skills at designing, using and assessing various developmentally appropriate teaching strategies. During this course, students will:

• Become familiar with current resource materials such as the Next Generation Science Standards, state and district objectives, common core curriculum standards, and numerous science curriculum programs,

• Enact inquiry-oriented activities by engaging in investigations involving exploration and discovery,

• Develop a deep understanding of the nature of science and its relationship with your teaching of science

• Gain experience in preparing, teaching, and analytically reflecting on middle and secondary school science lessons while working with students in local schools, and

• Develop long-range teaching skills by preparing an in-depth science curriculum project.


This course is a three credit hour course that is only offered during the fall semester. The course requires program permission and the co-enrollment in EDUC 659 and the phase 1-internship. The course is typically taught during the 7:10 pm – 9:40 pm time slots on the same evening as the Reading in Content Area II course (EDUC 659).

Key Assessments

• Philosophy of Teaching

• Content Expertise Assignment

• Three focus lessons

• Unit Plan

Technology Requirement

Assignments are to be word-processed. Continuing and regular use of e-mail (your UMBC account), and Blackboard is expected. All students enrolled in Department of Education (DOE) programs are required to have a TK20 account. TK20 will be used for submitting a Key Assignment in every course in addition to other requirements by program (i.e., portfolios). If you do not already have a TK20 account, you will be required to purchase one. A TK20 student membership may be purchased at https://umbc.tk20.com/campustoolshighered/admissions1.do. The student fee is $103 for five years.

Generic Course Syllabus**

NOTE** The provided syllabus is intended to demonstrate the general design and assignments of the course. It is expected that the actual course may vary from semester to semester.

Expectations for these assignments are posted on TK-20.

Weight Assignment Description Due Date

5% Class Participation All days

10% Philosophy Statement __/__

10% Content Expertise __/__

10% Safety Unit (and Test) __/__

10% Local area resources __/__

10% In-Class lesson __/__

30% Focus Lessons PPT. presentations __/__, __/__, __/__

20% Final (Unit Plan) Finals week

· Unit Idea/Standards End of Sept

· Pre/Post Mid Oct

· Outline/Chart Early Nov

· Sample Lesson plan Early Nov

Due this week

In-class discussion and activities

Readings (To be discussed in class)

Week 1

Question: How do I know what to teach?

Instructional activity:

What is science card exchange

Artifact: None

Class expectations and Syllabus

Week 2

Question: How do I know what to teach?

Instructional activity:


Artifact: Singer

Next Generation Science Standards

Front Matter,


Appendices: A, C, F, G, H

Week 3

Question: How do I know what to teach?

Instructional activity (1):

60 minute Lesson


Next Generation Science Standards

Select one DCI in your content area – look up the same idea (or as close as possible) on the current MD state standards. Be ready to discuss how they are presented.

Week 4

Focus Lesson 1 presentation (Classroom Management)

Philosophy statement due


Take a lesson from the mentor teacher and talk about what they taught and the adaptations they made.

  • Slide 1-Lesson Plan from mentor
  • Slide 2—What went well with evidence

· Slide 3–Missed Opportunities/what would they do differently next time with evidence

· Slide 4—Reflection on Mentor feedback. (Signed form) Informal Assessment #1 by mentor/supervisor.

Week 5

Question: How do I engage my students?

Unit plan Idea due.

Instructional activity (2):

60 minute Lesson


UDL: Focus on principle III – Multiple means of Engagement.

  • Register for a CAST membership:
  • Review UDL websites
  • What’s a Driving Question? (Krajcik et al.)

Week 6

Question: How do I know what to teach?

Instructional activity (3):

60 minute Lesson

Artifact: _________

UDL: Focus on principle I – Multiple means of Representation

Week 7

Question: How do I know what my students know?

Content Expertise Due

Instructional activity (4):

60 minute Lesson

Artifact: _________

UDL: Focus on principle II – Multiple means of action and expression.

Week 8

Enactment Presentation #2

Focus on Student Learning

Unit plan Pre/Post test due

Take a lesson from the mentor teacher and talk about what they taught and the adaptations they made.

  • Slide 1-Lesson Plan from mentor and highlight the content standard.

· Slide 2—Artifacts of student work: Talking points–What were your informal and formal assessments and what did they measure.

· Slide 3—Critique of student work: Look at the data. In general, how did the entire class do? Then give one example of full understanding and explain why and one example of partial understanding and explain why and how you could have taught this differently.

· Slide 4–Reflection on Mentor feedback. (Signed form) Informal Assessment #2 by mentor/supervisor.

Week 9

Question: How do I know what my students know?

Instructional activity (5):

60 minute Lesson

Artifact: _________

Computers, Teachers, Peers: Science Learning Partners by Linn and Hsi, 2000) Chapter 3 (Making Thinking Visible)

Week 10

Question: How do I manage and support labs and discussions?

Science Safety test – graded in class. Safety Module due.

Instructional activity (6):

60 minute Lesson

Artifact: _________

MD Science safety Module


Readings TBA

Week 11

Question: How do I connect the class to the community?

Unit Plan: Outline/Chart and Sample Lesson plan due

Instructional activity (7):

60 minute Lesson

Artifact: _________

I like spotted owl, Feeling Sorry for Stephen, and Revisiting the Scope Trial.

Week 12

Enactment Presentation #3

Differentiated Instruction

Artifact: _________

Take a lesson from the mentor teacher and talk about what they taught and the adaptations they made.

· Slide 1-Lesson Plan from mentor and point out a minimum of two populations that you need to differentiate for in your classroom

· Slide 2—Adaptations: How did you differentiate instruction for each of the populations that you pointed out and why?

· Slide 3—Evidence of the level of success of those adaptations for each population with evidence.

· Slide 4–Reflection on Mentor feedback. (Signed form) Informal Assessment #3 by mentor/supervisor.

Week 13

Question: How do I connect the class to the community?

Class Project: Local area resources

Artifact: _________


Students should be prepared to make a 10 minute presentation associated with their local community/context project.

Please provide a 1 page handout to distribute to all class members that includes:

o Local area resource

o Contact information

o Services provided

o Appropriate grade level/content area

o Limitations and Benefits

Week 14

Curriculum Work Day

Week 15

Odds and Ends

Artifact: _________